Dental Cleanings An Overview
Regular dental checkups can help you maintain your natural smile.
Dental cleanings are an integral part of maintaining your natural and healthy smile for as long as possible. Professional dental cleanings are thorough and can access parts of your mouth that regular brushing and flossing can not.
Regular 6-month cleanings are a proactive way to deter oral disease. Regular dental checkups also provide your dentist with the opportunity to scan your mouth for any developing oral health concerns for early and conservative treatment. Professional dental cleanings are important general dental services that Dr. Fabrizio Dall’Olmo provides to his patients.
Dr. Fabrizio Dall’Olmo believes that the form and function of a natural smile support optimal oral health. Having practiced conservative dental care for over 20 years, Dr. Dall’Olmo uses the biological principles of periodontics and implant dentistry to help patients maintain naturally functioning smiles by carefully preserving the tooth structure and gum health. Dr. Dall’Olmo provides comprehensive full-service dental care through patient education and honest, open communication.
Patient Education
Dental cleanings are crucial to your oral health, but we also provide patient education so you can take the best care of your teeth at home. We’ll talk to you about your oral health and determine if there are any specific worries we have about your smile. You may benefit from a certain toothpaste or mouthwash that provides extra benefits for your dental problems.
A well-balanced diet also plays a big part in keeping your mouth healthy. Certain foods should be avoided as much as possible, while others are particularly helpful in keeping your teeth healthy. We’ll help tell you what you’re lacking in your diet for your oral health and make sure you understand the importance of what you eat and drink.
This is true of lifestyle habits as well. Smoking and tobacco use can have a huge impact on your teeth. We want to ensure you know the potential consequences of these habits and what they can do to your mouth.