At-Home Dry Mouth Prevention Tips

Have you ever felt the sticky discomfort of a lack of moisture in your mouth? This condition, known as dry mouth, may feel unpleasant, but it also poses a risk to your oral health. If the issue becomes chronic, you should talk to your dentist to determine the cause and avoid severe dental damage.

However, in many mild cases, you can resolve and prevent this condition on your own. Read on to find three methods of fighting dry mouth symptoms from the comfort of your home.

drink water to improve oral health

How Can I Avoid Dry Mouth?

Drink Plenty of Water

Dry mouth occurs when you experience a decrease in the production of saliva in your mouth. A leading cause of this phenomenon is dehydration throughout the body. You should drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day to maintain adequate hydration levels.

If you consume coffee, tea, or other foods or drinks that may dehydrate you, you should compensate by drinking more water. Otherwise, you risk dry mouth and the oral health risks that accompany this issue.

The natural bacteria in your mouth can travel across your teeth easier in dry conditions. Then you have a higher chance of contracting oral infections such as gum disease. Prevent these dental problems by staying hydrated.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

If your mouth starts to feel dry, you can take efforts to stimulate saliva production. The act of chewing will encourage activity in the salivary glands. Chewing gum is a great option for this activity because it will not disrupt your diet.

However, you should make sure you choose to chew gum that is sugar-free. Sugar notoriously can harm your teeth. It reacts with your saliva to become acidic, which may lead to erosion in your teeth.

You may have a higher risk of cavity formation this way. So make sure you take your dental health into consideration and steer clear of added sugar wherever possible, including in your gum.

Check for Environmental Concerns

If you begin to feel dry mouth symptoms, take note of your surroundings. Sometimes, environmental factors can cause your mouth to dry out. If you notice a pattern of your location and the dry sensation, you may want to make some changes to the space.

For instance, if a room features dry air, this can in turn lead to dry mouth, especially if you breathe through your mouth. To counteract this effect, you can purchase a humidifier that will add moisture to the air. Then you can sleep and spend time in this space without worrying about the risks and discomforts of dry mouth.

If dry mouth persists despite changes in your habits and your environment, call your dentist. They can pinpoint the cause of this symptom and help you to get rid of it for good. They will also know if an underlying dental problem is creating this issue and will offer swift treatment to resolve it.

Articles By: Dr. Fabrizio Dall'Olmo