Can Inflamed Gums Affect Pregnancy?

Recent research from Oral Health & Preventative Dentistry suggests that treating gingivitis in pregnant dental patients will lower the risk of preterm births and increase birth weights. Gingivitis refers to the early stage of gum disease, an infection in the gum tissue.

It causes inflammation in the gums which can impact the body’s inflammatory response. This condition can then affect other health factors in a patient, including pregnancy.

Pregnant people have many medical concerns to monitor, but they should pay attention to their periodontal health too. Read on to learn more about inflamed gums and how your dentist can help you get rid of gingivitis.

treat gum disease urgently

What Is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an early phase of gum disease, a condition in which bacteria infect the gum tissue. This can present with swollen, red, or bleeding gums that might feel sore. Sometimes these symptoms can occur for acute reasons, including rough oral hygiene techniques.

But if these issues grow chronic or have no clear cause, you likely have gum disease. If you notice bad breath, dark spots on the teeth, or tooth pain, the gum disease might have progressed to reach your teeth and jaw. This advanced gum disease can lead to severe dental damage and even tooth loss.

Gingivitis is easier to treat at this earlier stage. So do not ignore periodontal problems. Seek urgent treatment for gum disease if you spot any symptoms.

Gingivitis does not always have these clear symptoms like this though. This is why you should keep seeing your dentist for regular check-ups, especially when pregnant. The dentist will perform a periodontal disease screening and examine your gums thoroughly.

How Will My Dentist Treat Gum Disease?

Your dentist will treat gingivitis with targeted cleaning methods called scaling and root planing. They will clear away excess plaque and bacteria to get rid of this infection, including deep in the gum pockets.

If the symptoms persist or if gingivitis has progressed to advanced gum disease, you might need more extensive periodontal therapy. A dentist can use laser tools to get rid of damaged gum tissue, but severe cases might need oral surgery.

The dentist might also suggest using an antibacterial rinse at home. This type of mouthwash can keep the natural bacteria in your mouth balanced. With less excess bacteria, you can reduce the chances of contracting infections like gum disease. You can relieve gum discomfort this way too.

Can I Prevent Gum Infections?

Some people are more likely to get gum problems due to genetic or medical circumstances. Meet with your dentist to form a custom preventative dental care plan to protect your gums.

Generally, you can lower your risk for gum disease by practicing good oral hygiene. Keep plaque at bay by removing it through regular teeth brushing and flossing.

Make sure you visit your dentist for routine teeth cleanings too to maximize the cleanliness of your mouth. Your dentist can offer other tips you can try to keep your gums and the rest of your smile healthy and feeling fresh.

Articles By: Dr. Fabrizio Dall'Olmo