A dental implant is a durable and highly effective tooth replacement solution. Whether you want to replace one, several, or an entire arch of missing teeth, your dentist can build an implant that suits your unique oral health needs.
A dentist will examine your dental structure to ensure you qualify for this type of restorative treatment. However, there is a small chance that your dental implant might fail. If this occurs, you will need to see your dentist for urgent removal of the faulty device.
You can better avoid this issue when you know more about this dental complication that can occur from implant dentistry. Read on to learn the warning signs of dental implant failure as well as how to prevent this dental emergency.
Symptoms of a Failing Dental Implant
Implant dentistry involves multiple steps and visits to your dentist’s office to fully restore your smile after tooth loss. First, the dentist will perform oral surgery to place an anchor into the jaw. This fuses with the bone there to create support for the prosthetic teeth.
If this fusion process does not occur successfully, then the dental implant will fail. Failing dental implants present with noticeable symptoms like severe pain and inflammation at the surgical site. The device might also feel loose in the socket.
Dental implant failure can also occur in later stages of the placement process, such as when the dentist attaches the prosthetic teeth to the anchor. Pay attention to your smile and look for signs of failure of your device. Call your dentist right away about any issues with your new implant.
Steps to Prevent Dental Implant Failure
As mentioned, your dentist will evaluate your oral health to ensure your smile is healthy enough for dental implant treatment. They use dental x-rays to check that you have enough healthy jawbone for the fusion of the anchor to occur without issue. The dentist will also look at your gums to make sure you have healthy tissue that can sustain the implant.
Make sure you follow your dentist’s aftercare guidelines during each step of your recovery when you receive implants. This ensures that the fusion process occurs properly and you heal without issue. This will entail keeping your mouth clean without harming the surgical sites.
You should also continue good oral hygiene before, during, and after the implant dentistry process. Brushing your teeth and flossing will keep plaque from hurting your smile as well as your oral appliances. If plaque lingers on your smile, you could form gum disease or cavities that could disrupt your implants and make them fail.
Dental implants will not need extra care beyond your usual oral hygiene routine. But you might benefit from using special flossers or brushes that can better clean around your implant.
Visit your dentist regularly to maximize your oral hygiene as well. Contact your dentist about any concerns about your implants to ensure the devices do not fail.