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All About Cosmetic Bonding

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile, your confidence in other aspects of your life could suffer. You can get the smile of your dreams with cosmetic enhancement from your dentist. An affordable and effective way to…

Boost Oral Hygiene with Mouthwash

Brushing teeth twice a day and flossing daily are crucial features of a good oral hygiene regimen. But rinsing with mouthwash between brushing routines can offer you more oral health benefits. Mouthwash can remove plaque from your teeth that may…

Drink Water to Protect Your Smile

We learn from a young age that drinking water is crucial to sustaining good overall wellness. This applies to your dental health as well, as dehydration can negatively impact the health of your teeth and gums. Dentists and other medical…

What is Dental Office Sterilization?

With COVID-19, dental offices have been closed to everything but emergencies. As things slowly open back up, we want our patients to know our dedication to dental office sterilization and what we’re doing to keep you safe. Dr. Fabrizio Dall’Olmo,…

Missing Your Regular Dental Checkup?

With COVID-19 taking hold of the nation, dental offices have been limiting hours and mainly serving emergency cases. This means many regular dental checkups and cleanings have been postponed or canceled. But what does that mean if you had one…

The Effects of Stress on Oral Health

With the current COVID-19 crisis, many people are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Our normal routines have been severely disrupted and it’s hard to tell when things will be back to normal. This influx of stress can also…

The Importance of a Custom Mouthguard

With spring sports starting up soon, it’s important to consider the protection you or your children will need for your teeth. If you’re participating in contact sports, a mouthguard is necessary. But you don’t just want any mouthguard from the…

How to Get Over Your Fear of the Dentist

A fear of the dentist, also called dental anxiety, can be common. But your oral health can take a toll if you’re avoiding your dentist in Santa Monica, CA because of your dental anxiety. Dr. Fabrizio Dall’Olmo and his staff…

What Do I Do During a Dental Emergency?

Especially during the holidays, dental emergencies may come up at inconvenient times. You need a reliable dentist in Santa Monica, CA that offers emergency dentistry services. Dr. Fabrizio Dall’Olmo and his staff offer care for dental emergencies, making sure you…

Are You Suffering From Gum Disease?

Gum disease is something you may not even realize you have. Symptoms may not become visible until the disease is in more advanced stages. If you answer yes to having these symptoms, it’s time to visit your dentist in Santa…

Articles By: Dr. Fabrizio Dall'Olmo